Come to Raleigh and support public employees
State budget crises across the country have led to major cuts in public services for the public good while ideologues foment resentment of public workers despite research which shows they earn as much as 12% less than their private sector counterparts.
In North Carolina, public employees are especially vulnerable because our state is one of only two in the nation to outlaw collective bargaining for its workers. Not having a contract makes these workers easy targets for pay cuts, layoffs, and furloughs, and it means police officers, fire fighters, teachers, and other civil servants have less rights on the job than employees at McDonalds or Walmart.
Join us on Lobby Day, Tuesday, June 15. Come to Raleigh and lobby the General Assembly to repeal the ban on collective bargaining and give state agencies and localities the option to negotiate a contract with their employees. Help make sure all employees in North Carolina - private and public - have the right to a voice at work.
What: Collective Bargaining Lobby Day
When: Tuesday, June 15, 2010 starting at 9:00 AM
Where: State Archives auditorium, 109 East Jones Street, Raleigh, NC
Lobby Day is about:
- The right to collectively bargain.
- The right to respect and a voice in the workplace.
- The right to negotiate decent wages, benefits for workers and their families and safety in the workplace.
- The opportunity to share workers' knowledge and skills on how to make public services more efficient and effective.
Download the flyer (opens PDF) for Collective Bargaining Lobby Day and promote this event within your networks.