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Who We Are

The NC State AFL-CIO is the federation of unions of working people in North Carolina, representing over a hundred thousand union members working together for good jobs, safe workplaces, workers’ rights, consumer protections, and quality public services on behalf of ALL working people – urban and rural; Black, brown, and white.

We are a democratic organization, governed by a constitution, and accountable to our member unions. Affiliated unions elect our leadership – one full-time officer and an Executive Board representative of unions across North Carolina – and determine the programs we undertake and the services we offer.

Our Mission

The mission of the NC State AFL-CIO is to build a bigger, more politically powerful, anti-racist labor movement to win victories for North Carolina working families. To do that, our state federation and central labor councils must focus on these areas of work:

All of Us

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Become an Affiliate

For local unions and union councils wanting to join our federation

Become an Affiliate

Form a Union

For individuals wanting to organize a union at work

Form a Union