Matt Mitchell
Matthew Mitchell is the Data & Political Program Coordinator for the North Carolina State AFL-CIO. He is a member of the Washington-Baltimore News Guild, TNG-CWA 32035.
Growing up amid the empty mill buildings of Central Massachusetts, Matthew moved to North Carolina in 2016 to support advocacy around public schools and teacher pay. Later that year, he strived to educate both voters and his fellow staffers at the NC Democratic Party about the constantly evolving Early Voting opportunities that election. Matthew has worked on races from city council and mayor to congressional seats and statewide efforts, always energized by the chance to communicate across divides and connect people to resources. During the pandemic, Matthew brought his organizing and planning skills to GetYourRefund.org, a new service supported by the IRS and Department of the Treasury to connect low-income families and individuals with free tax assistance from trained volunteers across the country digitally.
In his spare time, Matt is Co-Organizer of Code with the Carolinas, a volunteer civic tech organization dedicated to leveraging technology and data for the betterment of communities across North and South Carolina.