- AFL-CIO head says wage inequality demands labor law reform
- Card-check' a necessary defense against union-busting, bullying bosses
- Secret ballots are still necessary to maintain freedom of choice
- Big labor, business say election critical for union wish list
- Bad labor law is a path to economic ruin
- Proposed labor bill has fatal voting flaw
- Laf. Chamber opposing Employee Free Choice Act
- Labor Day and card check
- Free Choice Act not accurate
- Is Obama a savior for labor?
- AFL-CIO leader addresses race issue (scroll down)
- Can he be a working-class hero?
- Union leader: Racism holding Obama back - UPI.com
- Union leader berates members who let race influence vote
- Unions stress over racism in the ranks
- AFL-CIO blasts Collins
- McCain hits Obama on foreign policy
- ArcelorMittal faces possible strike; Boeing revises offer to union (scroll down)
- ArcelorMittal USW union members may approve strike
- Cleveland steelworkers among thousands voting today on ArcelorMittal strike
- Union rejects latest Boeing offer
- Hoffa on Obama and Biden
- SEIU taking on unfaithful Democrats after election
- Former SEIU official steps aside amid allegations of financial wrongdoing
- Nurse assistant works hard to pay her SEIU dues
- Health workers' union head on leave
- Nearly 600 were arrested in factory raid, officials say