Press Clips August 25, 2008
- Organized labor reunites to vote for Obama
- AFL-CIO to target a million voters this week
- AFL-CIO: blue-collar concerns about Obama candidacy
- Labor leaders in hard line on race
- Union leaders at DNC pledge big push for Obama
- Organized for Obama
- AFL-CIO runs radio ad criticizing McConnell
- AFL-CIO official promoting bill to change unionization rules during Cape visit
- Liberals a sideshow in Denver
- Union rejects Boeing's wage increase offer as 'insulting'
- UAW and Mitsubishi vote to extend contract
- NFL Players Assn. had better not fumble this handoff
- A police contract without tears or arbitration
- Union foe raises 'buyout' banker warning
- Clinton praises Biden in speech to UFW
- Farmworkers union chief wants change in voting
- Office guard push for pact: eye successes of janitors
- Colo's right to work fight backdrop to DNC
- Passage would level the field for workers
- Private ballot is bad for business
- Opposed sides rally over union legislation
- How Obama reconciles dueling views on economy
- Average taxpayers subsidize executive pay, report says