Josh Stein for Governor

For Immediate Release
June 8, 2023
North Carolina AFL-CIO Endorses Josh Stein for Governor
Statement by NC State AFL-CIO President MaryBe McMillan
“Working people in North Carolina need their next governor to be a fighter for freedom, fairness, and the opportunity for everyone–Black, white, and Brown, urban and rural–to live a good life and enjoy shared prosperity, which is why we are proud to endorse Josh Stein. Throughout his career in public service, first as a state senator and now as Attorney General, Josh Stein has had a proven track record of challenging the bullies and extremists–from Wall Street to Jones Street–who threaten our livelihoods, our health, and our very democracy. Working families need a governor with the courage to take on big fights and the temperament to bring people together to win those fights and make our state better for all North Carolinians. Josh Stein has always fought to protect working people. He has always had our back, and in his battle to lead North Carolina toward a better future for all, we will have his.”
Contact: Jeremy Sprinkle, or 336-255-2711
The North Carolina State AFL-CIO is the largest association of unions of working people in North Carolina, representing over a hundred thousand members, working together for good jobs, safe workplaces, workers’ rights, consumer protections, and quality public services on behalf of ALL working people. PO Box 10805, Raleigh, NC 27605.
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