Announcing a Fair Fight to settle the score between the people and the powerful
REVISED Press Advisory for March 25, 2013
Contact: Jeremy Sprinkle, Communications Director,, 336-255-2711
This press conference has been postponed until 10:30 AM Monday, March 25, 2013.
“We don’t want to overshadow the Governor’s budget,” says the Champion of the People. “The powerful may fear a fair fight, but in the spirit of fairness, we’ll postpone our announcement - this time.”
Austerity politics and shifting tax burdens lead some to propose a Fair Fight to settle the score between the people and the powerful
RALEIGH, N.C. – Advocates for workers and for policies in the public interest will gather at the NC Justice Center in Raleigh on Monday to call for Congress to repeal the sequester and for state lawmakers to stop shifting the tax burden onto low- and middle-income families instead of having North Carolina’s wealthiest citizens and corporations pay their fair share.
Unbalanced tax policies and cuts to critical federal programs are both the result of politicians in Raleigh and Washington being champions of wealthy and powerful special interests instead of the people who elected them. Working families, tired of paying the costs for the lack of tax fairness, need a champion, too - someone willing to fight for them.
One way or another, North Carolinians want to settle the score in a fair fight between the people and the powerful… even if it has to be held outside the political arena and inside the ring. Now, two champions have emerged who will give everyone a chance to do just that at an upcoming public showdown.
“From Jones Street to Capitol Hill, too many politicians have forgotten who they’re supposed to be fighting for,” says masked female wrestler, Juicy Buns, with the Luchadoras of Durham. “I’m ready to show them what a real Champion of the People can do.”
“The people may want a fair fight, but we don’t fight fair,” retorts The Scrambler, who has taken up the mantle as Champion of the Powerful. “I welcome the chance to remind people who pulls the strings around here.”
Details of their showdown, the Fair Fight, will be announced at a press conference in Raleigh on Monday, March 25th.
Who: AFL-CIO, NC Justice Center
What: Press conference to announce a coming public showdown
When: Monday, March 25 at 10:30 A.M.
Where: NC Justice Center, 224 S Dawson St, Raleigh, NC 27601
Why: With austerity paralysis in Congress and a great tax shift underway in Raleigh, North Carolinians want the chance to settle the score in a fair fight between the people and the powerful.
10:30, remarks by MaryBe McMillan, AFL-CIO
10:35, remarks by Allan Freyer, NC Justice Center
10:40, announcement of a public showdown and introduction of the champions
10:45, official weigh-in for the upcoming Fair Fight
About the Fair Fight champions:
Champion of the People, aka JUICY BUNS - From her very first days as the ugly dumpling at the bottom of the basket, Juicy Buns has had to work for all she achieves. After her family turned her out on the street, she earned her keep in the back alley wrestling rings of Mexico City as an apprentice to famed Luchador, El Santo. Buoyed by her training, she returned home to find her siblings - mad with power - had taken control of her small village and were forcing the townspeople to work for no pay in their dangerous dumpling factory. Juicy Buns defeated all 10 of her siblings in a single, epic match! She put the employees in charge of the factory, donned her mask, and set out to defend the workers of the world wherever she is needed.
Champion of the Powerful, aka THE SCRAMBLER - Quite literally the by-product of big business, The Scrambler was born in a pharmaceutical lab and raised as an experiment by a group of white-coated corporate shills. Her 5-by-5-foot cell was lined with old copies of the Wall Street Journal, and she spent her childhood memorizing stock quotes and farm futures. Now fully grown, she still believes companies are her only friends, and she fights for whom she calls, “the Big Man.” She has no empathy for her fellow common man and enters the ring only to gain power, money, and control.
About the Durham Luchadoras:
Designed to promote an image of strong, capable women with personalities to match, the Durham Luchadoras follow in the footsteps of the legendary masked Lucha Libre wrestlers of Mexico. As in Mexico, Durham’s Lucha Libre wrestlers care deeply about their community. Luchadoras fight for social justice with as much ferocity as they bring to the ring. Visit for more info.
The North Carolina State AFL-CIO is the largest association of local unions and union councils in North Carolina, representing over one-hundred thousand union members, fighting for good jobs, safe workplaces, workers’ rights, consumer protections, and quality public services on behalf of ALL working families. PO Box 10805, Raleigh, NC 27605.