UPDATE 1/5/18: This webinar has been POSTPONED but will be rescheduled for a future date and time [TBD]. In the meantime, join us Jan. 10th at the legislature to Fight for Fair Courts! Learn more at https://democracync.org/faircourts/.
Building Twitter Power of, by, and for Working People in North Carolina
2018 will be an important year for working people to turn resistance into action and to organize and mobilize in person and online, both nationally and closer to home, where leaders in the North Carolina General Assembly have floated a bevy of ballot initiatives, including one that would enshrine our state's "Right to Work" law in the state constitution, and promised renewed attacks on voting rights, including new voter ID legislation.
That's why North Carolina's labor federation is hosting a "Twitter Power Academy" to train organizers on how to use Twitter to build coalitions against these attacks. Through seven sessions facilitated by Social Movement Technologies, participants will be equipped with tools to shape news coverage, recruit influential allies to our causes, and hold elected officials accountable.
Interested in enrolling in the Twitter Power Academy or just learning more about it before you do? Sign up for a 30-minute intro session at 11:00 AM on Wednesday, January 10th that will highlight the past effectiveness and future utility of Twitter organizing in North Carolina. Hosted by the NC State AFL-CIO, this intro session is free, and registration is open to anyone.
What: Free 30-minute intro webinar on building Twitter power
When: Wednesday, January 10th at 11:00am ET New Date & Time TBD
Grab the Building Twitter Power Intro Session Flyer (PDF):
Download the flyer for this online event (PDF)