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Sign the Citizen Petition for Wage Increases

Jeremy Sprinkle
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Classified school employees have earned a raise

Classified school employees are underemployed, underpaid, and undervalued but a necessity in our communities and our school systems. They proudly transport students to and from school, keep up our schools to foster a positive learning environment, keep our children safe from harm, and offer nutritious meals each school day.

Support these essential school workers by signing our Citizens Petition for Wage Increases, which reads:

We the undersigned citizens of North Carolina call upon the Governor and General Assembly to provide a flat-dollar pay increase to public school classified employees in the amount of $1,200 annually in the 2014-2015 budget year.

This equitable increase would lift more public school classified employees out of poverty than an across the board percentage raise. These hardworking and dedicated bus drivers, nutrition workers, custodians, bus monitors, maintenance and other essential public school staff have only received a 1.2% increase in the past 5 years which has put a financial hardship on them and their families, many of whom qualify for public assistance.

Sign the petition at, then spread the word. Share the above image on Facebook!