Reminding N.C. Politicians that <em>“America Wants to Work”</em>
Actions planned in Raleigh, Charlotte, and Dunn
Columbus Day is the start of a nationwide week of action to urge members of Congress to quit playing defense for the top 1% and start working for the rest of us by passing the American Jobs Act.
President Obama has taken an important and necessary step in the release of the American Jobs Act – he started a serious national conversation about how to solve our jobs crisis. He showed working people that he is willing to go to the mat to create new jobs on a substantial scale, and we are supporting his efforts.
Now it is time for Congress to act to create millions of jobs and put America back to work. We need solutions on scale with the problems our economy faces. Our elected leaders must put aside partisanship long enough to help our middle class and economy recover. This is the moment in history every elected leader will be judged on their actions taken to create good jobs.
1. Light Up Raleigh On Columbus Day! Click here for the flyer (PDF)
What: Luminaries for Workers with press conference and choral performance
When: Monday, Oct. 10, 2011 from sunset (6:30pm) to 8:00pm. Press conference begins at 6:30pm.
Where: Bicentennial Mall in Downtown Raleigh, (2 E. Jones St, Raleigh, NC - between the museums)
Who: AFL-CIO and faith-based community
Why: Luminaries will highlight North Carolina's 1.2 million jobless and low-wage workers whose struggle goes largely unnoticed by our politicians. This will be a solemn observance on Columbus Day of the difficult new world in which today's North Carolina workers and college graduates find themselves.
Contact: Jeremy Sprinkle, 919-833-6678
We need volunteers to help bag, place, and light the luminaries. We will have signs for folks to hold during the press conference. For more information about how you can be part of this unique event, contact Adam Orlovich at 919-833-6678.
2. C'mon, Sue! Focus on what matters! Click here for the flyer (PDF)
What: Picket Congresswoman Sue Myrick
When: Monday, Oct. 10, 2011 from 1:00 - 2:00 pm.
Where: Sue Myrick's district offices, (6525 Morrison Blvd., Charlotte, NC 28211)
Who: National Association of Letter Carriers, American Postal Workers Union, Southern Piedmont Central Labor Council, AFL-CIO, and more.
Why: While Sue Myrick frets about deficits and protecting herself and her big-money backers in the 1% from having to pay their fair share, the other 99% of us are tired of waiting for her to focus on what matters. We have a JOBS CRISIS, and Sue Myrick needs to get to work putting Americans back to work.
Contact: Tim Rorie, NALC, 704-905-9406
Note: Some signs will be provided. Bring your Save America's Postal Service signs, too.
3. Picket the Hypocrite in Dunn, NC! Click here for the flyer (PDF)
What: Protest Congresswoman Renee Ellmers
When: Thursday, Oct. 13, 2011 at 11:00am. Carpool leaving at 10:30am from House of Labor, 1408 Hillsborough St, Raleigh, NC.
Where: Renee Ellmers' district offices, (406 W. Broad St, Dunn, NC 28334)
Who: AFL-CIO and progressive allies
Why: Renee Ellmers won election campaigning to protect Medicare, create jobs, and work for the people. Since going to Washington, Ellmers has voted to cut our safety net, to cut our unemployment benefits, and to protect herself and her backers in the 1% from having to sacrifice anything.
Contact: Jeremy Sprinkle, 919-833-6678
Note: Signs will be provided!