Press Clips February 6, 2008
- McCain claims front-runner status; Dem race not settled
- They're on a Roll To Get Out the Vote
- Clinton and McCain cruise to victory in new York
- Bush presents $3 trillion budget
- Will more jobless benefits aid economy?
- Child-care providers can form unions
- Unions sue regulators over new rules
- Clinton or Obama--On Health Care the Difference is Big (Op-Ed)
- Most jobs likely to survive a Delta-NWA deal
- Flight delays worst in 7 years
- Overhaul of guest-worker program set
- Labor Dept. sees new way to fight hiring of illegals / Pay for legal foreign farmworkers would change, could be less
- Immigration Raid Draws Protest From Labor Officials
- SAN FRANCISCO / Supes hear long-term plan for retiree care
- City Council votes unanimously to put charter measure on June ballot
- Unclear fate for holdout unions
- Iowa AFL-CIO elects new president
- Area labor council elects officers
- Council Advances Sick-Leave Bill in D.C.: Workers Would Get Paid for Absences; Businesses Balk