New Ad Refutes Myths About Free Choice Act
Does not eliminate the "secret ballot"
Fact: The Employee Free Choice Act guarantees employees the right to form a union using a secret ballot.
Fact: The Employee Free Choice Act guarantees employees the right to form a union when a majority sign-up for one.
Fact: Corporations want to make that choice for you - along with every other decision in the workplace.
The Employee Free Choice Act will level the playing field for America's workers by guaranteeing their right to form a union and bargain for a better life in the manner of their choosing. The real secret about the opposition to the Employee Free Choice Act is they never want you to form a union and get a contract.
American Rights at Work has launched a new ad campaign to cut through Big Business lies put out there in a massive and misleading corporate campaign to defeat the Employee Free Choice Act. Watch the video:
Whether workers choose to use a secret ballot process or majority sign up, with the Employee Free Choice Act, it will be their choice to make - not their bosses' choice. That's the fundamental reason why employer groups are opposed to this legislation, which is vital to creating an economy that works for everyone again.