NC's unions step up campaign, say "Kay is Key" to immigration reform

In print, on the radio, online, and over the phone
Today, representatives of the state AFL-CIO met directly with Senator Kay Hagan to deliver letters from her constituents who say now is the time for immigration reform and that her vote is key to unlocking the way. North Carolina’s unions, along with a broad coalition of other groups, are stepping up their efforts to empower pro-reform activists to lobby Senator Hagan to create a commonsense immigration process that protects workers’ rights and offers a broad roadmap to citizenship.
Make the call 1-888-714-8759 to tell Kay we're counting on her.
“How we treat New Americans reflects our commitment to the values that define us as Americans, including rewarding hard work and having the freedom to move and raise a family in the land of opportunity,” says North Carolina State AFL-CIO president, James Andrews. “Kay Hagan’s role in giving Americans an immigration process we deserve is pivotal.”
Spreading the message that “Kay is Key” to comprehensive immigration reform is the focus of print ads published Wednesday and Thursday in alternative weekly newspapers in the Triangle, the Triad, Asheville, and Charlotte. The ads ask readers who support common sense reform to call Sen. Hagan at 1-888-714-8759.
Labor’s lobbying efforts continue with public radio sponsorships next week, and the campaign is now online at From the website, people can send Kay Hagan a message, click to call her office, and share the campaign on Facebook and Twitter – including photos of them, expressing why they think comprehensive immigration reform is so important. “Kay is Key” is also mobile, allowing people to lobby their Senator by texting ‘KEY’ to 235246.
The toll-free hotline, the text messaging,, and promoting the campaign online, in print, and on the radio is an effort by North Carolina’s unions to seize the opportunity, which bipartisan legislation in the U.S. Senate provides, to finally deliver workable and humane reform this year.
Text 'KEY' to 235246 to lobby Kay for commonsense reform.
“We are committed to fighting for all working Americans,” says state AFL-CIO secretary-treasurer, MaryBe McMillan. “Being American is not about what you like or where you were born, and that’s why New Americans who work hard and are committed to this country should be able to attain citizenship.”
Creating a commonsense immigration process is good for all workers, not just for aspiring citizens and their families.
The Congressional Budget Office estimates three years of reform would generate an additional $1.5 trillion to the economy over 10 years. Furthermore, according to “Raising the Floor for American Workers”, the Center for American Progress reports that the higher earning power of aspiring citizens in just the first three years of reform with a roadmap to citizenship would generate up to $36 billion in net income growth, and with it, enough to consumer demand to support 750,000 to 900,000 jobs.
Growing the economy and creating jobs, raising all wages by ending the exploitation of immigrant workers, and removing the fear of employer retaliation for reporting wage theft and workplace safety violations are just a few reasons why workers will win with reform.
Plus, inclusive reform that values dignity, fairness, justice, and opportunity is the right thing to do. “Kay is Key” is about encouraging North Carolinians who share these values to reach out to their Senator so that Kay Hagan might do the right thing, too.
Visit to send a message to Kay Hagan.