J. David Cox, AFGE
J. David Cox, AFGE National Secretary-Treasurer
President Obama has appointed two representatives of AFGE, the federal government employees union, to the Federal Salary Council, to advise the executive branch on federal pay, including our 3rd Ranking Vice President, J. David Cox:
"AFGE is proud to have two members on the Federal Salary Council representing the interests of federal employees," AFGE National President John Gage said. "Federal workers earn far less on average than their private sector counterparts – 24 percent less, according to the latest government data. The effort to close this pay gap is critically important if federal agencies expect to attract and retain the best and brightest employees that this country has to offer."
J. David Cox has served his national union as Secretary-Treasurer since 2006 but continues to serve on our Executive Board. Recently, President Obama announced a pay freeze for federal workers, which puts on hold a modest 1.4% annual cost of living adjustment - effectively a 2.8% pay cut over two years.