"Everybody In Nobody Out"
Health Care for America Now - North Carolina members and supporters will rally in Charlotte this Saturday and march to end health care discrimination. Folks will gather at the Greater Mt. Moriah Primitive Baptist Church and then march to Charlotte Square.
What: March and rally to support HCR passage
When: This Saturday, March 20 - 11:00 to march, 12 noon - 3:00pm for the rally
Where: March from Greater Mt. Moriah Primitive Baptist
Church, 727 West Trade St. Charlotte, NC, to the rally spot at Charlotte Square (corner of Trade and Tryon).
This event is sponsored by the Charlotte Health Care Coalition. Supporters include the NAACP, AFL-CIO and Southern Piedmont Central Labor Council, Workers United/SEIU, State Employee Association of NC (SEANC), and MoveOn.org, among others.
Download the flyer for this event. Click here to RSVP for this event.
For more information, contact Kojo Nantambu at 704-599-8904 or Carla Cunningham at 704-509-2939.