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Labor Votes 2024: Leadership Training Series Program Kickoff June 3rd

Jeremy Sprinkle
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We're kicking off our Labor Votes 2024 program on Monday, June 3rd, with the first installment of a new Labor Leadership Training series designed to provide all the training union members will need to help us win for working people this November.

Proud IATSE union member and our endorsed candidate to be North Carolina's next Commissioner of Labor, Braxton Winston, will be our special guest, and attendees will have a chance to win one (or more!)door prizes at the end of the call.

What: Statewide Labor Votes 2024 Program Kickoff

When: Monday, June 3rd, from 5:30 to 7pm

Where: Online via Zoom

RSVP (required):

With less than six months until the election, we've got work to do. We've been drafting plans, crafting messages, and rallying members to get involved, but we can't do it alone. We need your voices, your energy, and your commitment to the cause!

Beginning June 3rd and continuing monthly until November, these team calls are our chance to connect, strategize, and mobilize like never before. We'll share updates, celebrate our victories, and galvanize our efforts for the road ahead, and each session will begin with a different training.

graphic promoting 2024 NC labor leadership training series

Register now for the program kickoff June 3rd:

July 1st: Worksite Mapping training:

August 5th: Organizing Conversations and Voter Education training:

September 11th: Political Polarization training:

October 7th: Volunteer Recruitment and GOTV training:

November 4th: Election Eve training: