Important 67th Annual Convention Updates

By now all affiliates should have received the call letter for our 67th Annual Convention, September 19th and 20th at the Hilton Raleigh North Hills. Guest speakers this year will include IATSE President Matthew Loeb, USW Vice President Roxanne Brown, and our endorsed candidate for governor, NC Attorney General Josh Stein!
We are excited to announce that United Autoworkers Daimler Truck Council of North Carolina will be the recipient of the 2024 P.R. Latta Rank-and-File Award! Named after the late legendary trade unionist and CWA member, the award for service to North Carolina’s labor movement will be presented at our Convention Banquet in recognition of the historic contract 7,000 UAW members secured earlier this year at Daimler Truck North America.
Immediately after the Convention adjourns at noon on Friday, we will begin knocking on the doors of Raleigh-area union voters in support of our endorsed candidates. As you know, this is a critical election year for our state and country, and we have the chance to elect and reelect people who respect our hard work and freedom to unionize and thrive – including Braxton Winston (IATSE) who is running to be the first hourly worker and union member elected NC Labor Commissioner. Plan your travel so you can canvass with other attendees before you leave town!
Important deadlines to keep in mind are July 31st to register delegates/alternates at the lowest Early Bird ticket price of $150 each and August 27th to book hotel rooms at our discounted rate of $164 per night. Register at and book rooms at This year delegate and alternate registrations will be easier than ever now that they can be completed online with no paper forms required!
For more about the Convention – including the call letter, links to buy tickets and book rooms, and for future updates – be sure to visit and bookmark the Convention website at We look forward to seeing you in Raleigh!