Help bring justice to North Carolina's tobacco fields
Send an e-fax to Ed Holman, chair of Kangaroo convenience stores
Our brothers and sisters at the Farm Labor Organizing Committee (FLOC) have been working for five years now to get Reynolds American to sit down and discuss widespread human rights abuses in North Carolina's tobacco fields and what Reynolds, as the world's second largest tobacco company, can do to end them. Reynolds has so far refused to meet with FLOC.
Click here to learn more and demand justice for North Carolina's tobacco farm workers!
Enter Kangaroo, the largest convenience store chain in the southeast United States. Kangaroo, based in Cary, NC, operates stores in Georgia, Kentucky, Kansas, Missouri, Louisiana, Mississippi, South Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia, and here. Reynolds American's largest customer, McClane Co., Inc., happens to be Kangaroo's largest supplier of tobacco products. While Reynolds is willing to ignore the plight of the workers who harvest its tobacco, Kangaroo, and its chairman, Ed Holman, are in a unique position to demand Reynolds' attention.
At least Kangaroo would be, if only Ed Holman wasn't ignoring a December 2011 request by our friends at the Beloved Community Center to talk about how his company can make a difference in the lives of thousands of tobacco field workers.
This is the easiest thing you can do all year to help end what Oxfam America described as the "State of Fear" in North Carolina's tobacco fields. It won't even take a minute of your time, and you will have sent a message that there's one more person/citizen/customer paying attention to how three corporations - Kangaroo, McClane, and Reynolds - are failing the workers who make their profits possible.
We aren't asking Ed Holman for the world. We are only asking him to join a conversation that would mean the world to thousands of his fellow human beings. Won't you join us in sending him that message?