Endorsements finalized for March 15th primary

These are the statewide, legislative, and local candidates running with the union label
North Carolina's eight Central Labor Councils have made their picks of local, legislative, and congressional candidates running in the March 15th primary, completing a process that began with our endorsement of statewide candidates in January.
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Who you vote for is a personal decision, but after reviewing completed questionnaires, conducting interviews, and voting on whom to back, labor recommends these candidates for the March 15th Primary Election. Download the full slate (PDF).
U.S. Senate: Deborah Ross
Governor: Roy Cooper
Lt. Governor: Linda Coleman
Labor Commissioner: Charles Meeker
Attorney General: Josh Stein
State Treasurer: Dan Blue III
Superintendent: June Atkinson
Eastern NC CLC (Havelock, New Bern area)
NC House
NC 9: Brian Farkas
Eastern Piedmont CLC (Roanoke Rapids area)
NC House
HD 24: Jean Farmer-Butterfield
HD 27: Michael H. Wray
HD 32: Terry Garrison
NC Senate
SD: 4: Angela R. Bryant
Greater Sandhills CLC (Fayetteville area)
NC House
HD 22: Ben Snyder
Southeastern NC CLC (Wilmington area)
New Hanover Co.
Schools: Sandra Leigh
Schools: Chris Meek
Schools: James Jamison, Jr.
Southern Piedmont CLC (Charlotte area)
US House
CD 12: Alma Adams
NC House
HD 82: Earle Schecter
HD 100: John Autry
HD 101: Beverly Miller Earle
HD 103: Rochelle Rivas
HD 107: Kelly Alexander
NC Senate
SD 36: Robert Brown
SD 38: Joel Ford
SD 40: Nasif Majeed
Mecklenburg Co.
Commission At-Large: Ella Scarborough
Commission At-Large: Patricia (Pat) Cotham
Commission At-Large: Trevor M. Fuller
Commission Dist. 2: Lula Dualeh
Court Dist. 26 (Brown-Williams seat): Faith Fickling
Court Dist. 26 (Mann seat): Christy T. Mann
Cabarrus Co.
Education: Keisha Villatoro
Triangle Labor Council (Raleigh, Durham area)
NC House
HD 33: Rosa Gill
HD 36: Jennifer Ferrell
NC Senate
SD 16: Jay Chaudhuri
Wake Co.
Commission At-Large: Lindy M. Brown
Durham Co.
Commission: Ellen Reckhow
Commission: Wendy Jacobs
Commission: Brenda Howerton
Commission: Heidi Carter
Triad CLC (Greensboro, Winston-Salem area)
US House
CD 12: Alma Adams
NC House
HD 58: Ralph C. Johnson
Rockingham Co.
Register of Deeds: Amy Lee Simpson
Guilford Co.
Commission Dist. 4: Kirk Perkins
Commission Dist. 6: Rick Forrester
Education Dist. 1: Dianne Bellamy-Small
Education Dist. 2: Anita Sharpe
Education Dist. 6: Khem Denise Irby
Education Dist. 8: Deena Hayes
Education At-Large: Alan Duncan
Court (Sherrill Seat): Lora Christine Cubbage
Western NC CLC (Asheville area)
NC House
HD 118: Reese Steen
Buncombe Co.
Commission Dist. 1: Gordon Smith
Commission Dist. 2: Larry Dodson
Paid for by the NC State AFL-CIO and not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.
Hard copies of each CLCs slate are being produced by our union print shop with distribution beginning next week.
Want to make sure your local union gets slates? Call us at 919-833-6678.

Download one of the leaflets below to get this helpful info (PDF)
Worksite leaflets for statewide candidates available
We've also prepared two, two-sided worksite leaflets about our endorsed statewide candidates, hard copies of which have been printed and will be distributed beginning next week. The first leaflet features Deborah Ross, Roy Cooper, and Charles Meeker. The second leaflet features Linda Coleman and Dan Blue III. Each leaflet includes information about new rules for voting this year and about how to volunteer on our Labor 2016 campaign. The second leaflet features Linda Coleman and Dan Blue III. Each leaflet includes information about new rules for voting this year and about how to volunteer on our Labor 2016 campaign. Each leaflet includes information about new rules for voting this year and about how to volunteer on our Labor 2016 campaign.
Download this flyer (PDF)

Download this flyer (PDF)