Call 844-899-9913 to Voice Your Opposition to Brett Kavanaugh for Supreme Court!

Pres. Trump's second nominee will put the Supreme Court firmly in the pocket of employers for a generation to come
Decisions by the Court, often by the narrowest of margins, have a dramatic impact on our lives as we recently saw in Janus v. AFSCME Council 31 and reinforce the importance of choosing who sits on the Court.
Judge Brett Kavanaugh has a dangerous track record of protecting the privileges of the wealthy and powerful at the expense of working people.
After a thorough review of Kavanaugh’s record, we are deeply troubled by his selection. Kavanaugh routinely rules against working people and their families, siding with employers in denying discrimination cases brought by workers, regularly sides with the privileged, including corporations, over the less powerful:
- In American Federation of Government Employees, AFL-CIO v. Gates, a partial dissent argued that Kavanaugh’s majority opinion would allow the secretary of defense to abolish collective bargaining at the Department of Defense.
- In Howard v. Office of the Chief Administrative Officer, he argued that a black woman couldn’t pursue a race discrimination suit after being fired as the deputy budget director at the U.S. House of Representatives, claiming that the firing was protected under the Speech or Debate Clause of the Constitution.
- He wrote two dissents contending that a large corporation, in these cases Exxon Mobil Corp., should not be held responsible for its overseas misconduct. After Indonesian villagers alleged they were tortured and killed by soldiers working for Exxon, Kavanaugh argued that allowing the villagers to sue Exxon would interfere with the U.S. government’s ability to conduct foreign relations.
Learn more about the Judge Brett Kavanaugh's record and why the AFL-CIO opposes his nomination to a lifetime appointment on the Supreme Court
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